Day 10 | Daily Dose of learning

daily dose

This project is inspired by the ‘100-day project’, a challenge consisting of committing to doing an activity everyday for 100 days.

I have decided to write about one thing I learn everyday for the next 30 days. This can be a skill, a deep concept to elaborate on, or a mere life lesson that made me become aware of something I consider relevant.

The decision is based on the belief that “we are what we repeatedly do”, as Valentin Perez put it.

Content Cards in HTML and CSS

Today I worked on designing content cards using HTML and CSS on

a screenshot of a content card designed.

a screenshot of a content card designed.

I feel like it is possible to improve a lot at HTML and CSS just by doing. I started from a template found on codepen at ‘bootstrap cards responsive’ and built the card from there. Still want to make some tweaks to the design in order to make the aesthetic more pleasing.


Day 11 | Daily Dose of learning


Day 9 | Daily Dose of learning