Day 14 | Daily Dose of learning

daily dose

This project is inspired by the ‘100-day project’, a challenge consisting of committing to doing an activity everyday for 100 days.

I have decided to write about one thing I learn everyday for the next 30 days. This can be a skill, a deep concept to elaborate on, or a mere life lesson that made me become aware of something I consider relevant.

The decision is based on the belief that “we are what we repeatedly do”, as Valentin Perez put it.

The psychology of colors | Color Theory

Colors are not senseless. In fact, they have psychological and emotional meanings our minds associate them with. Even if unconsciously. Blue indicates trustworthiness and honesty? Brown is associated with reliability? This is what one of the lessons of the course on Color Theory on Skillshare focuses on.

While the psychological associations our mind makes with colours is a rather extensive topic, it is also insightful and intriguing when it comes to understanding why we like and are drawn to some colours more than others. As a matter of fact, this has probably a lot to do with our own personality and perception of the world.

Color Theory and the psychology of colours can be very helpful for figuring out why certain companies use specific colours and the message they want to convey to the world.

meaning of some common colors

meaning of some common colors


Day 15 | Daily Dose of learning


Day 13 | Daily Dose of learning