Day 29 | Daily Dose of learning

daily dose

This project is inspired by the ‘100-day project’, a challenge consisting of committing to doing an activity everyday for 100 days.

I have decided to write about one thing I learn everyday for the next 30 days. This can be a skill, a deep concept to elaborate on, or a mere life lesson that made me become aware of something I consider relevant.

The decision is based on the belief that “we are what we repeatedly do”, as Valentin Perez put it.

The 5-Hour Rule

There seems to be a common habit some successful people like to practice. It is the dedication to learning. The innate drive to spend time enriching their baggage of knowledge and reflect.

Most of us perceive, however, that time in our lives is increasingly limited, and tend to think it is especially so for people with high degrees of responsibility, whose level of ‘busyness’ is unimaginable.

Well, apparently, that’s not exactly the case, in particular for some ‘successful’ people like investor Warren Buffet, former USA president Barack Obama, and Benjamin Franklin.

It is exactly Benjamin Franklin, supposedly, who invented the ‘5-Hour Rule’: DEDICATE ONE HOUR A DAY TO LEARNING, 5 DAYS PER WEEK. Some refer to this rule also as ‘compound time’.

The 5-hour rule is more than just a habit to try to fit in our lives. It is a way of living that is based on the belief that we are what we do and that continuously evolving our skillset and knowledge base does not simply serve as a means to achieve an objective, but as a way to get closer to the best version of ourselves.

whatever you do, just keep learning.


Day 30 | Daily Dose of learning


Day 28 | Daily Dose of learning