Day 24 | Daily Dose of learning

daily dose

This project is inspired by the ‘100-day project’, a challenge consisting of committing to doing an activity everyday for 100 days.

I have decided to write about one thing I learn everyday for the next 30 days. This can be a skill, a deep concept to elaborate on, or a mere life lesson that made me become aware of something I consider relevant.

The decision is based on the belief that “we are what we repeatedly do”, as Valentin Perez put it.

Learning the basics - drawing | 2

Today’s drawing basics lesson has been focused on drawing lines, always keeping in mind that the foundation of every drawing is done through light lines, in order to depict a first draft of the final piece.

Lines are one of the most basic shape, and one of those shapes that can be seen the most in sketches.

Today’s practice was to become more confident at drawing lines and shapes made of lines for several times and with different angles (as for oblique lines).

drawing a multi-angular shape.jpg


Day 25 | Daily Dose of learning


Day 23 | Daily Dose of learning