Weekly Highlights #42

The content we consume can consume us, if we are not mindful enough. In this period of information overload and analysis paralysis, The ‘Weekly Highlights’ collects the 3, most valuable pieces of content I have come across during the week, and packages them in a single page, with some notes and key highlights, so to foster mindful and intentional consumption of content, which can truly add value to our life.

Intentional content consumption, in an era in which the amount of content we expose ourselves to can consume us, if we are not mindful enough. 🐘


Transformation is a process, not an event. As such, it advances through stages that build on each other. This article presents the 8-step process of change management by Kotter. Kotter emphasizes how he noticed these steps to change being common patterns among corporations of any size undergoing change. He also points out how each step must be followed chronologically and given time to. Skipping any of the steps only gives the illusion of progress.

“In the first half of a transformation, no organization has the momentum, power, or time to get rid of all obstacles. But the big ones must be confronted and removed.”
— John P. Kotter
Source: https://hbr.org/1995/05/leading-change-why-transformation-efforts-fail-2

Source: https://hbr.org/1995/05/leading-change-why-transformation-efforts-fail-2


Crucibles of Leadership | Bennis & Thomas

“Extraordinary leaders find meaning in - and learn from - the most negative events. Like phoenixes rising from the ashes, they emerge from adversity stronger, more confident in themselves and their purpose, and more committed to their work.
Such transformative events are called crucibles — a severe test or trial. Crucibles are intense, often traumatic — and always unplanned.”
— Bennis & Thomas

Leaders have 4 main characteristics in common, according to the authors:

  1. The ability to engage others in shared meaning

  2. A distinctive and compelling voice

  3. A sense of integrity and strong values

  4. Adaptive capacity → to emerge stronger than before from adversity. It's composed of:

    • The ability to grasp context

    • Hardiness → the perseverance and toughness that enable people to emerge from devastating circumstances without losing hope.


How to Lead Tough Conversations | Adar Cohen

  1. Move towards the conflict, avoiding addressing the conversation will only keep you scared of it. “Without conflict, problems hide everywhere.”

  2. You do not know anything or, if you know, pretend you don’t. Be genuinely interested and listen.

  3. Keep quiet: be comfortable in silence and let it be.


Quote of the week

There are no solutions, only trade-offs
— Thomas Sowell

This Week's Article

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Weekly Highlights #43


Weekly Highlights #41