Free intermediate strength and hypertrophy training program

I am not a Personal Trainer. Just a random university student who likes to train and do sport. I have been striving to improve my physical fitness ever since I was 15 years old. I played football at that time. And improving my physical fitness would mean training for sport-specific purposes.

Then I began to become interested in training to improve strength, hypertrophy, conditioning and fitness in general. I have spent innumerable hours informing myself in the last 4 or 5 years of my life. This has allowed me to design training programs for myself just because I enjoy the process of crafting a thoughtfully-organized list of exercises to be repeated over time whose progress can be tracked in order to be aware of the improvements happening. 

As I have no certification and official competences in the fitness field, this training program is just the result of a lot of research and experience I have accumulated over time.


This training program is a 6-day split designed for intermediate lifters. The split is: Legs, Pull, Push, Arms, Total Body A, Total Body B. 

The core focus of the plan is hypertrophy, strength, as well as some conditioning, keeping in mind that the actual focus of a training plan depends on the type of diet regimen in place in the trainee’s life (calorie deficit, calorie surplus, maintenance). 

Apart from the single training session, in the last page of this document there can be found the volume per muscle group and a graphic depicting the volume per muscle group. 

I have taken inspiration from Jeff Nippard as for the layout of the tables and the volume graph.

By clicking the button below, the program will be automatically downloaded in a Pdf format.

