The Big Five Personality Traits & Social Status Seeking - How Your Personality Affects Status-Seeking Behavior
We play social status games all the time. Our Personality Traits significantly influence the degree to which we engage in these games. This essay explores how personality correlates with status-seeking behavior through the lens of evolutionary psychology.
On Integrity - according to the Conscious Leadership Group
Integrity is the energetic wholeness that you harbor in everyday interactions with yourself and others. This post explores the meaning and implementation of integrity, according to the Conscious Leadership Group.
The most important decision in your life: where to live — Notion/Coda living decision making template
Deciding where to live is one of the most important decisions in your life, and it can make a difference in your happiness and life satisfaction levels. Lifestyle-centered career planning suggests choosing your career based on the lifestyle you intend to have, which requires accumulating career capital.
How to not win a debate and more debate mental models
Debating is about dropping the ego for the greater pursuit of reality as is. This post presents some mental models we could use in debates/arguments or everyday conversations.
The identity trap: pay attention to not get trapped in your identity
Identity is a constantly negotiated endeavor between yourself and the people around you. You can get trapped in a self-enclosed identity box(es), and this post explains how that could happen, and what you could do about it.
Do What’s Urgent, Skip What’s Important - The Urgency Trap
This is one of the existential conundrums of time management and life itself: how might we discern what’s truly important from what’s “seemingly important” (urgent) in the short term? Drawing from the organizational philosophies of Basecamp, this post explores the possible root causes of the urgency trap.